Biking across one nation to help feed students of another nation...$1.50 feeds one student in Kenya for one month.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 10

Hello Idaho!...but only for a little bit. We trekked our way across Idaho's panhandle today. Neither of us were expecting much, but boy were we surprised!! Our route took us along the Pend Orreille river, which then opened into a beautiful lake! For the last 20 miles that lake was overshadowed by green hills and mountains. It really was a magnificent sight that was made even better by the element of surprise.
We also had really nice tailwind for part of our journey, so we were flying at an average speed of 20 mph at times. That was fun. However, the few times that the road bent and the wind went against us were not fun, as it was hard to pedal at even 4 mph.
We ran into a beautiful town called Hope. It's population is only 200 people, but it's located right on the lake and is really quiet and clean. We loved it and wanted to stay and vacation there!
Tonight we're sleeping in a city park in Clark Fork. There was a misunderstanding on our map in regards to camping spots, so we've ended up here. I'm not complaining though because it has soft ground. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Heavenly Father for an English teacher named Lucy Lucas that was very instrumental in teaching Sarah to express herself through words. Thank you for the gift you've given her in writing, and may it bring you glory. Thank you for phone calls, texts, and blogs that help us back home to know how Mark & Sarah are doing. Thank you for the wisdom you have bestowed upon Mark as he daily makes many decisions. Continue to pour out your wisdom upon him as he seeks your Face each morning and throughout each day. As they ride for Kenya Kids Can, give them wings on their bike wheels,continued working bike parts, bodies strong and able to make the journey, people and places along the way that will bless them and in whom they will bless, and strengthen their love for one another and for You. In Jesus' Name. Amen
